i have an EmonEVSE (type 2) since a few months. I bought it with a 8.2.2 firmware and a 4.1.7 Wifi firmware. I upgraded to the 4.2.2 firmware and it was working for the next weeks.
I did upgrade to 8.2.3. It was working at first, but I found the EMonEVSE stuck a morning (a few days after). The display was strange (luminosity very low and not all the characters were at the same luminosity). The web app was down. A electric shutdown and reboot did nothing. Same state after that. The car does not charge. I can see on the display (even if its weird luminosity) that it was not sleep during the day as usual (I set a time to wake up at 00:10 and sleep at 07:00).
Finally, I tried to flash again the 8.2.3 firmware. After that, everything was ok again. It worked for more or less 2 weeks.
And now it happens again. I did not flash again the 8.2.3 firmware. The EVSE is stucked right now. Is there anything I can check to find the reason of this issue ?