Emoncms top menu bar icons + name or just icons?

Are there any preferences for and against including the menu item name in the top bar menu by default?

There is now a new settings for selecting the desired behavior (available in v10.1.4 in stable and master branch now), the default is to hide the text but I think it should be visible as otherwise its not clear for new users what the icons are…

With text (+ responsive behaviour that hides text on small screens):

$show_menu_titles = true;

Without text:

$show_menu_titles = false;

In the past showing just icons or icons+text on the menus was automatic depending on the screen width and available space.
I would keep the same behavior.
Show text if there is space.

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The menu bar is unlikely to become crowded even showing text, but the ‘real-estate’ issue might pop up elsewhere. It seems to me that almost all software interfaces I use have unknowingly ‘standardized’ on icons with ‘tool-tips’ (text), thus saving space while maintaining clarity. The user is informed and never has to make the choice. Just the way you have it now.

Best wishes

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Tool tips were used with a mouse interface on mouse over events.
Today with touch devices (that are the majority) you dont have the on over event anymore and tool tips are not showing.

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Defo include names - the icons are not intuitive (except for the menu) and I never click the right one first time.

‘Setup’ isn’t right though. I’d suggest ‘Manage’.

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I’ve changed it to show the names as default. The option is there for anyone to change it to hide by default if needed :slight_smile:

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Hello @nchaveiro, the ‘tool tips’ are currently in in use in emncms, they seem to be working for me. However, I am using a laptop that does not have a touch screen.

Best wishes