I’ve pushed the latest change to stable so that will also be on 3.1.6 now if you want to use the standard update process.
thank you
I have to reselect all feeds to sync and click on upload after every reboot to restart the regular upload - is that intentional?
That shouldn’t be needed, I will see if I can replicate
Hi, I have used Option 1 and done a full update. However I am getting the message that emoncms_sync service is not running, please start the service to enable feed syncing. When I try and start the service I can not see emoncms_sync as an option. Should I see this as an option ?
New to this so sorry if its been covered before
sync3.1.7 has been added to the emoncms standalone container which is here https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/alexjunk/emoncms/
it should still return that the service is not working (cause systemd is not compatible with docker) but it is actually
tags available with sync3.1.7
- latest
- alpine3.20_emoncms11.6.5
- alpine3.19.1_emoncms11.6.5
The home assistant addon has also been upgraded to run sync3.1.7
Thanks @alexandrecuer amazing!