Emoncms & OpenEVSE configuration problems

I’m in a fight to get my charger’s openevse to upload my energy consumptions into my Emoncms account, I’ve reviewed all the settings in the tutorial available on the web but frankly I can not figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Could you help me?

Thank you very much

I have the same problems cannot figure out how to use excess solar to charge car!

What does your “Inputs” page show? Are you seeing anything like this:

Also @glyn.hudson has been helping out with setting up my OpenEVSE here . Maybe you can find some helpful clues there.

I’ve noticed an error with the Input configuration for the openevse. I see you have logged openevse:amp to a feed then applied the Power to kwh processor, this issue is that amp is the real time current input not power. Thererefore the power to kwh process won’t work.

You need to log the openevse:wh Input to a feed using a wh accumulator input process. You can apply a 0.01 scalor input process if you would prefer a kwh feed instead of wh. This will give you an ever accumulating feed of the energy being used by the charger. This feed can be used with the Emoncms MyElectric/iphone/android apps. See this page for how to display wh/kwh feeds:


Could you post your Emoncms Input page and your OpenEVSE config. It looked like your openevse did at one stage post to emoncms since I can see the input names. However it does not seem to be updating now. I can also see from the input names that your running an old version of openevse wifi-gateway. I would recomend updating to the latest version. This can be done via the openevse config page. See latest releases: Releases · OpenEVSE/ESP8266_WiFi_v2.x · GitHub

The see user guide on the readme page:

Thanks Glyn. Yeah, I was just playing around with that without thinking too hard about what I was doing :blush:
I noticed there was a OpenEVSE entry in the App section, so just added those, using the default names, so I could explore it. It’s currently just showing a spinning thing and I can’t now delete it. Maybe that’s because it doesn’t yet have any data to work with?
Anyway, what I ultimately want to log is the amount of Kw used by the OpenEVSE at any given moment, rather than accumulated kwh, the same as the solar app shows me generation. Do I need to somehow work that out using the amps from the OpenEVSE and voltage from the Emon?

That would be one way to do it. Probably the most accurate since the OpenEVSE assumes L2 voltage to be 240V when calculating kWh.

The other way to just to log the openevse:wh Input to a feed using a wh accumulator input process. You can apply a 0.01 scalor input process if you would prefer a kwh feed instead of wh. This will give you an ever accumulating feed of the energy being used by the charger. This feed can be used with the Emoncms MyElectric/iphone/android apps. See this page for how to display daily data from wh/kwh feeds:


Hi Glyn,

Here are the print screen for my open evses and emoncms (Feeds, inputs and devices setup)

Meanwhile I’ll try to update my old firmware as you mentioned before.

Tks forall the help

Thanks @nreis, few things I’ve noticed:

  1. You’re posting to data.openevse, but you have entered the SSL fingerprint for emoncms.org. data.openevse does not support SSL/HTTPS. I would leave the SSL/HTTPS box empty. Even if posting to Emoncms.org, I would recommend leaving the SSL/HTTPS box blank, and just post over http - unless you are particularly conserned about encryption. The issue is the ESP8266 does not support fully HTTPS, therefore to support encrypted posting the fingerprint needs to entered manually. The problem is, the fingerprint changes every 30 days when the HTTPS certificate on emoncms.org is renewed. This is why we don’t recommend using it.

  2. I see the username you’re using for the MQTT server is “openevse”, the default MQTT username on the emonPi is “emonpi” and default password is “emonpimqtt2016”. See: emonSD Download — OpenEnergyMonitor 0.0.1 documentation

Hi Glyn,

I updated the firmware just like you told me to do and after following all the steps from the beginning the emoncms finally started to work.

Tks for all the help.