I’ve a issue using open remote with emonPi.
I’m using OpenRemote to command all my house. This is working since years (with emonCms since month).
I’ve recently added emonTx to get a feedback of my enregy consumption.
Today I’m able to have emonCms working locally (get data from OpenRemote + emonTx); I’m using the last .img.
The problem is after I make OpenRemote to start automatically at startup.
As soon as I’m doing this command:
sudo update-rc.d openremote defaults
On the next startup, I have an issue with the EmonCms inputs page which is not charging. (OpenRemote is working)
I don’t know where to look to see where this coming from.
As soon as I’ve done this I don’t know how to recover.
By charging the image again, I’m able to make it work again but I need to start manually OpenRemote (and be in a rpi-rw mode) everytimes.
I have two ideas where this could come from:
- the fact that the image is in read only ?
- the run level I start OpenRemote ?
Do you have some ideas how to found the root causes and help me to make OpenRemote start safely to work with emoncms?