Just noticed when viewing the Emoncms dashboard in a UK Tesla the X axis (Time) is 7 hrs behind actual. Any ideas, it is not a show stopper for just viewing.
Thank you
Where are you in the world?
Is this a local install? If so, is the locale on the emoncms server correct?
Is the user locale correct in emoncms?
In the UK Brian in a UK Tesla.
What is the actual time? As per the circled time? So the browser is showing 7hrs behind?
It is a Browser Locale issue Check the browser settings. Probably defaults to Pacific time as the TZ.
The browser determines the ‘time’ shown. What does timeanddate.com say the time is?
Yes time taken was 16:05 GMT, which is from the Teslas own clock, which is automatic. Emon dashboard showing at 09:05, 7 hrs behind.
It’s a Tesla browser, can’t change any settings.
Timeanddate.com shows the Tesla as in the UK location and time is correct as GMT, right now 19:18. 2nd Nov, Which is correct for this message as I reply. Emon is 12:18.
Does the dashboard work correctly on your phone for the same emoncms user account? If so, it is a browser problem. They must do something to the HTTP headers to cause this.
Is this emoncms.org
Yes phone works fine, parity with times, all correct with GMT. Just the Tesla brower in the car shows this 7hr lag.
If you click on H for hour when in the detail view, does that just show blank?
There must be an issue in the flot graphing library that we are using relating to timezone handling. Would be interesting to hear if this is an issue for any other Tesla users?
@TrystanLea time graph in the Tesla is now fixed, thank you if you’ve been working on this.
Glad to hear that!