I think that maybe a recent “feature” now you mention it, I had set up several pages for each account (8+ pages per 6 accounts). I DO recall deleting some accounts to access the settings that are squeezed off the settings page, But I have NO recollection of deleting the pages out of the remaining accounts, but they are no longer there!!! I thought I was losing my marbles (please don’t say I cannot lose that what was already lost years ago!) so glad I didn’t spend the afternoon rebuilding!!!
I have also noticed a situation where a named account appears with it’s “emoncmsX” alias shown in the title bar instead, the last time I saw this happen I happened to rotate the phone as I did a double take as saw the “emoncmsX” change to the name I had given it.
i have some of the same problems. The font for the current values is just too big on my phone as well (ascend p7 running android 5.1) not sure what’s it’s resolution nor what the dpi is.
Also after opening my app just now all the pages i had created in the previous version are gone somehow. I can make screenshots if needed.
Might the problems come from dpi and resolution used on phones ? as not all phones have the same resolution nor dpi i guess but i have no clue how the dpi stuff works on android i know on windows this can produce such effects but changing dpi scales the app controls and fonts perhaps something similar is happening here ?
I also had a second account set up for testing against emoncms.org when selecting that using the drop down menu all i get is an empty page
it seems to me that it sometimes displays correctly and sometimes not, it seems to mess up switching between the multiple accounts using the drop menu to switch accounts.
I created a video using game screen recorder (that recorded my desktop on android). I keep trying a few things, readd some settings even whipe the app data as i figured i would have to recreate everything again eventually.
Could the losing the settings be related to the custom currency setting ? perhaps if it is / was missing (as it did not exist in a previous version) it could not load the pages again ?
here’s the youtube video i only started the app a second time after 2.0.6 update. if you take the time looking throught the whole 7 minutes of me messing about you’ll notice that sometimes it does display correctly like after i added the account again it displayed correctly initially but after adding a second account it messed up again.
Also it seems the “add at least one account to proceed” text is not translated to dutch or is not able to be translated
edit: i know my api keys are visible at some point, but it’s a local installation plus i added some bluring on the youtube video using youtube editor but it seems to take some time to process it, it’s currently only at 26% so normally once it has done it should be hidden so i don’t mind
Scale-independent Pixels - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user’s font size preference. It is recommended you use this unit when specifying font sizes, so they will be adjusted for both the screen density and user’s preference.
However it seems like it is not working correctly across all devices. It is possible to set different dimensions for different screen sizes, so I’ll try this to get a bigger output on tablets, and revert the font size on phones.
As reported by @joyrider3774 there is one final string to be translated:
See issue:
@tamsin has now made the string translatable and I’ve just committed a translation using Google translate, any chance @bidouilleur, @joyrider3774 and @gab.lau could proof read it and submit a PR to tweak if needed. Thanks
@tamsin has committed a change to make the font smaller on phones and larger on tablets. Looks great to me. However, I could never recreate the text overflowing issues on my Nexus devices
I will be pushing a V2.0.8 beta update to Google Play this evening which includes this update and fixes for the loosing pages issues and some extra translated strings. Please could you test and report back. Thanks!
@glyn.hudson dutch translation is correct, don’t know about the other languages.
I’ll check tommorow for the new version as i will have to recreate my 8 or was it 9 my electric pages again.
Btw was it ever determined what the cause was of loosing the pages ? my guess was that the new currency setting as that did not exist in the previous version.
if that’s the cause, what if for any reason another setting gets added in the future wouldn’t the same problem happen again then ?
ah if i only had known, as you could see in the video i tried wiping the app’s data to see if it made a change no problem though i’ve recently renamed my feeds so it’s easier for me to see which feeds are what exactly shouldn’t take long to add them again
Just gotten 2.0.8 and have found another problem that probably existed from the initial beta.
If you got say about 10 pages so that you need to scroll in the left pages bar to accees them all, you can get into troubles if you accidently set wrong server settings after the pages had been added. The problem is that the grey lower bar where it says you have connection problems is drawn over the settings menu item and you have no way to acces the menu and change server settings.then.
With me the problem was that at home i entered my local network settings so an internal ip but only noticed this outside of the house. So now i have no way to edit the settings to enter my external hostname as i cant access them until i get back home (and the connection works again). The problem can be easily fixed to always have settings and add page at the the top instead at the bottom. (so before any added pages) Its more important to acces settings than some page you cant acces which is not the case now. Or switch add page & server settings. If there is a connection problem you can’t add a page anyway but you would need to be able to either change or verify the server settings. What if people change their (external) hostname or accidently enter a wrong server etc while they had pages added before like me …they have no way to ever change the server settings again unless they delete pages
Second problem is a new one. The dutch text changed for the combobox of the currency more speciffically for the customn currency setting. On my phone the text is too long and not everything is shown. @bidouilleur what do you think of changing this to something shorter like “andere munt (Specifieert u hieronder)”
third problem (needs to be verified as i just had this problem but did not try to reproduce again yet, am at work now):
If you have connection problems and during these connection problems you goto the settings of a page where you choose the feeds, you’ll get an error saying it can’t access the feeds. This is fine however it reverts the settings to auto when pressing the “back button” which seems to save settings all the time. If you get connection again afterwards the page does not work anymore nad you have to reenter the feeds again as they are now all set to “auto” again.
Probably can be simulated by entering correct data for a page then shutting down emoncms (http server) or enter wrong server address in account settings then goto a page & page’s settings (cog icon) press back and enter the correct server / account settings again / restart emoncms server. Then after this check the page it should tell you the feeds are not correctly entered / you need to reenter them. My guess is the problem comes from the back button always saving data when pressing it (and not being able to get the feeds list from server). not sure how to fix this but perhaps either don’t save during connection problems or add an explicit save button / icon (at the top) so settings won’t be affected if this happens as we did not explicitly click the save button during this
here’s a follow up video of font sizes. the android settings haven an impact on it (which is normal) it shows during account switching 0.00KWH while it does not show that when data is availbile (my point is the KWH should not be there as there is a smaller kwh displayed besides the value above “today” text it’s displayed twice). shows a force close when adding a second account after first deleting it.
I have created an issue for the settings button issue when creating lots of pages. I had not noticed this, since I had never created that many pages! it’s great to see you using the app and Emoncms to monitor so many things
it only happens when you have connection problems not just when you have lots of pages. If you have lots of pages there is no problem you can access the settings. But when you have connection problems (as i had due to using internal ip not external hostname) you can’t access it due to the grey bar. I added that information to the issue as well.
I’ll make another issue dealing with the 3rd problem and create a video to show the problem
created the issue:
video of me simulating the problem (i simulated connection problems by enabling https while my (local) server does not accept this, but connection issue can occur for any reason and accessing page settings while having connection issues will revert it’s settings) see issue above for more info
Possible solutions:
don’t let people goto page settings / add new pages while having connection problems
don’t save page settings while this happens (for example use explicit save icon we have to press to save)
while fooling some more (not long) I discovered something that might become nasty if someone doesn’t know.
I was typing some feed titles and by accident pushed several times carriage return instead back … anyway the title was now several lines down (empty) … nothing stopped me from doing so and …when you go back to the graphic … it is pushed as many lines down as you did in the title …
maybe limit the text field in length to avoid this ?