Emoncms Admin Page - update

Continuing the discussion from emonSD next steps: moved this discussion to the emoncms category as not specifically EmonSD.

The proposed update interface needs to be reviewed I feel;

The most common reason to go to the Admin page is to check the log or check on the health of the system. To be presented with a screen worth of update options is I feel, not good UI.

With the new Sidebar, clicking on Graphs produces a submenu, I think this should be adopted for the Admin page.

At the very least the Users and Update sections should be moved to the bottom so the log window and the Server health information is what is seen first.

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I agree it will be good to review the admin page as part of the sidebar development.

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Whilst that may improve the UI, I do feel that the 2 sections (users and Update) need to be moved to the bottom of the Admin page no matter the Sidebar discussion.