On my PI SD card image which I downloaded from here recently, there is a folder
This contains the PHP code for demandshaper - if I look inside demandshaper_model.php
Its looking for a folder which doesn’t exist - $this->dir."/demandshaper/devices";
I can see the files on GITHUB - demandshaper/devices at master · emoncms/demandshaper · GitHub
but they are not on my SD card image.
I’ve done an update through the web interface, and it reports its the latest version.
What am I missing!?!
* Scan for supported device types
* e.g: smartplug, wifirelay etc.
public function device_class_scan() {
// Scan and auto load device classes
$device_class_list = array();
$devices_dir = $this->dir."/demandshaper/devices";
$dir = scandir($devices_dir);
for ($i=2; $i<count($dir); $i++) {
$name_ext = explode(".",$dir[$i]);
if (count($name_ext)==2) {
if ($name_ext[1]=="php") $device_class_list[] = $name_ext[0];
return $device_class_list;