I’ve been having problems with demand shaper the last few weeks being in a perpetual “Settings mismatch” mode whilst in “Smart” mode. Today I finally spent a little time with demandshaper on my phone whilst standing by the EVSE, and I’ve noticed that the timer is being updated, but the times are all one hour off. I’m in the UK, now on daylight savings time, so GMT+1.
For example: Demandshaper wants to set 13:30 to 15:30 (Localtime BST) and the timer on the EVSE gets set to 12:30 to 14:30.
Are there timezone settings I need to make sure are set to the same thing?
EVSE clock is in local time zone, so it comes on one hour early.
I’ve disconnected demandshaper for the moment as I’m actually charging right now (major negative prices this afternoon), and don’t want it to stop things an hour early. Once it’s done I’ll have a play.
The demand shaper sends the start-end time to the OpenEVSE. The OpenEVSE currently does not handle timezone, all the timezone conversion is done on Emoncms.
In WiFi 3.x (ESP32) upgrade for the OpenEVSE this is due to change, the OpenEVSE will be able to handle timezone and update time automatically via NTP e.g
Yuck. At least do it as a proper ISO string and leave the TZ off so the other end knows to treat it as local time. And we wonder why we have so many issues with time…
@PaulS did @glyn.hudson’s suggestion work for you? I double checked mine here and its working fine with the hour change, with settings as Glyn suggests, Europe/London timezone … not Lisbon