Hello, I bought an emonpi shield kit, 2 CTs sensors and a AC-AC sensor (eurooo-plug) a few months ago.
Now I have a digital counter from my power company so I can compare the emonpi value and the real value i’m charged for. (sort of because i can only see live apparent power consumption)
The value I got from emonpi is quite above the real value, especially at high load.
I guess it is a calibration issue.
I read the calibration page in the guide, but now my setup is installed, it is quite difficult to remove everything.
Is there some value I should change in the config files with the defaut CT and AC-AC adaptator that were delivered to me ?
here’s the comparison between the use feed and the value I get from my counter. Again, not srictly the same, the PAPP is the apparent power consomption (in VA units), but it shouldn’t be lower the emonpi (in W unit)
Thank you