Data Quality got worse recently on Heatpump board

Hey @TrystanLea

So its been 3 years and i still get exactly 91% data quality throught, strangely regular rate of failure.

Any updates since back then? Hoping to get it working now.


Hello @jbetech is this the original heat pump monitor board (HeatpumpMonitor/HeatpumpMonitorTH at master · openenergymonitor/HeatpumpMonitor · GitHub)? We discontinued development on that board Im afraid so I imagine you are likely to be still running the latest firmware for it. We moved to the approach of using a RaspberryPi with a MBUS and Modbus USB adapter instead, which allowed us to debug these kinds of issues and add support for more meters easier.

Looking at your debug notes above suggests that’s quite a timing variance, I wonder if that’s coming from timing on the Atmega328 side of things or from latency on the wifi/internet connection?

Have you tried resetting?