Daikin Altherma Electricity used and heat values accuracy

Hello all,

I have a Daikin ASHP Altherma 3 biblock and been monitoring its performance through the included data (electricity used and heat produced).

For the people that have the full set of monitoring, how accurate are the electricity and heat values given by Daikin when compared to the meters? Is it decent, or barely useable.

Thank you!

For the input electricity:

DHW has reasonable accuracy but can be greatly skewed if the immersion (booster) heater does not come on when signaled on (booster/backup heater usage is all estimated based on runtime).

Climate has poor accuracy when there is little usage, but the accuracy is better when its colder and is on more.

I couldn’t comment on thermal output as I don’t have an external heat meter to compare. It does have an outgoing temperature probe, an incoming temperature probe and a flow meter so it has all the same components that a proper heat meter would have.

My metered kWh does include external UFH pump and manifold which the unit wouldn’t see:

Hello, thanks for the data.

The reported power usage of my unit does line up quite well with my electricity meter to be fair, so that gives me hope that it is not too far off if I use that to check efficiency.

I would love to have the hardware metering but I cannot justify the expense!

It’s interesting that you say you cannot justify the expense, on the face of it very logical.

But, I would urge you to think about it a bit more.

I think many of us have struggled in various ways with our Daikin heat pumps and without detailed monitoring I am certain I would not have been able to identify the issues I have had let alone fix them.

It is very difficult to get the best out of the current Daikin heat pumps without being able to see what is going on and what affects any changes you make have.

I am not saying you will save a fortune but my OEM monitoring equipment has paid for itself both financially and in getting the best out what I consider to be difficult heat pumps.

Your money, your choice though, obviously.

Hi Matt, big fan

Your contributions to the forum and all the uber Daikin units owners are invaluable. They are big part as to why I do not think I can justify the expense, of just using my electricity meter (dedicated to the heatpump) and the heatpump values to figure out things.

Thankfully, I have my solar meter also that gives me a good idea of what the heatpump is doing, combined with the other instant power consumption meter.

So far this November I am at 5.5 COP! I do not think there will be much more room for improvement, and needing the 3-phase hardware (even more expensive), to just look at more detailed and accurate graphs…

Dont get me wrong, I would love to do have it, but it would just be for my own entertainment really, as I have it more or less as good as it is going to get efficiency-wise.

This is why I want to know how far off the heat output values are from what the meter measures… I have spent enough on this damm heating system already!

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