CSV Data Export/Import Limits or Data Migration - Fixed Interval Frequency Change - Past Data

Goal: I would like to change the feed interval from 30s to 10s while preserving past data, for my emoncms app:

EmonCMS - Ideal Logic H24 Opentherm SAT


  1. CSV Export / Import to new feeds with 10s fixed interval
  2. Data migration

Option Limitations:

  1. The maximum data export / import is 50000 rows of data. I could increase the export interval from 30s to more but that means the past data will not be precise anymore.
  2. Data migration if that’s an option at all but this would require access and someone’s time.


  1. Is there a workaround for the 50000 rows of data limit?
  2. If there is no workaround for that limit, does anyone have any other suggestions to help me achieve my goal?
