I would like to send a message via MQTT to my emonPi and then disable or enable the power to a USB port depending on the content of the message.
I already have Node Red on the emonPi working to receive a MQTT message that has been sent from an external source. Now I think I need to use an “exec node” to call a command to turn the USB port off or on. Can anyone provide me with guidance on how I can do this part please? I am a novice user…
Thanks for the quick response - I actually want to connect a light to the USB port and switch it on or off depending on the status of a message I receive from MQTT.
Do you mean a normal household light, or are you talking about an actual blink(1) turning an LED on and off? If you mean the blink(1), from what I’ve just read, its a software controlled RGB LED anyway so you don’t need to mess with any USB power at all.
Yes - I agree with you - messing with the power is not necessary.
Today I realized it was better to buy one of these blink(1) USB lights (or something similar) and try and use nodeRed to connect the arrival of a MQTT message and then change the colour of the blink(1) led. I was even more excited that GLYN HUDSON has been looking into this - because I hope it means it will work on the emonBase…
I have searched this forum for information on blink(1) but did not find anything…