I’ve just found time to set up my eBUS Adapter and ebusd, meaning I am now able to passively read or actively fetch values from my Vaillant heat pump. When values are updated on the bus I get a message on a topic like /ebusd/hmu/Status01
with some nice JSON contents about the current flow temperatures and pump status:
"0": {
"name": "temp1",
"value": 38.5
"1": {
"name": "temp1",
"value": 35
"2": {
"name": "temp2",
"value": null
"3": {
"name": "temp1",
"value": null
"4": {
"name": "temp1",
"value": null
"5": {
"name": "pumpstate",
"value": "on"
A lot of these “just show up”, because it seems like the Vaillant controller regularly polls for these values so ebusd sees them going past. Others I can trigger a fetch by publishing a message like ebusd/hmu/CurrentYieldPower/get
, or set up polling by publishing to that topic with a message body like ?3
"0": {
"name": "",
"value": 5.8
Note as @TrystanLea mentioned on Twitter the JSON structure is a little odd - it’s possible to get these as strings with ; delimiters for the multiple value fields. That might be easier to handle (from the CLI tool but the same values available via MQTT:
hmu CurrentCompressorUtil = 114
hmu CurrentConsumedPower = 1.9
hmu CurrentYieldPower = 5.8
hmu State = 0;757;129;8
700 Hc1PumpStatus = 1
hmu Status01 = 35.0;35.5;-;-;-;off
I’ve got EmonCMS running under Docker with https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms-docker/tree/v2 (although emonhub is temporarily disabled as I’ve not moved my RFM69Pi over so the initialisation fails). I understand that EmonCMS monitors the emon/
topic, but I’m not sure the best way to proceed from here.
So a few questions, with apologies as I’m a complete MQTT novice:
- Should I simply tell ebusd to use
as its topic base? Or can I tell emon (or emonhub) to read some specific additional topics? - Can I make something in emoncms publish the “get” messages when it wants to update a value to read, or should I set up the polling in ebusd?
- If the latter, is there something that can publish those polling messages or should I do that via the CPI and add a script to switch those on to my ebusd container? (look who learnt how to write a Dockerfile over Christmas!