Checklist for new emonPI with solar installation

Thank you very much for the detailed answers.

I meant clamp as in the CT itself not the act of clamping it :slight_smile:

Apparently that goes to the red/yellow isolator in the pic below and then to the inverter.

The BMS is inside the battery unit and communicates to the inverter via a cable.
The inverter has an rs485 port where the current wifi logger is connected - I’m trying to find out a way to piggyback off of it so be able to pull rs485 and send data to the Solis cloud - this will give me the battery values if I can get it to work as people have done here: Getting data from inverters via an RS485 connection - #26 by boydo

The value of this is positive when drawing from the grid and negative when exporting to the grid from the solar, is that enough?

Please share the link and I will do the reading :slight_smile:

The setup looks like this:

There’s another digital meter inside the little box to the right side which is not fully visible