I looked at the code the last time you posted and I replied, I couldn’t see a reason for the switches not working. I have a V2.0.2 here, I’ve checked it and the bad news is, it’s behaving exactly as it should for me - I can get it reporting as Node 23, 24, 25 & 26, both to the serial port and to emonhub log file.
Stupid question: Are you looking a fresh data, not something cached somewhere?
Check the voltage across the switch – ON it should be zero, from 3.3 V OFF. If the voltage stays at 3.3 V, email The Shop because it’s faulty switches: [email protected].
Do you have a programmer and the Arduino IDE? If so, the next easy way is to change it in software and reload the sketch.
How is this emonTH’s data getting to emoncms.org, and how is the other emonTH2’s data getting there?
You can certainly edit your emonhub.conf via a web browser and emonCMS.
Setup → EmonHub → Edit Config. Look for the section starting [[23]] Mine looks like this:
nodename = emonTH_5
firmware = V2.x_emonTH_DHT22_DS18B20_RFM69CW_Pulse
hardware = emonTH_(Node_ID_Switch_DIP1:OFF_DIP2:OFF)
names = temperature, external temperature, humidity, battery, pulseCount
datacodes = h,h,h,h,L
scales = 0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,1
units = C,C,%,V,p
nodename = ...
is your choice – whether it gets to emoncms.org depends on the path it takes.
You have got entries in your emonhub.conf for the emonTH nodes you are/want to use?