I want to install 4 x 10 kW Ecodan connected together as a cascading system using the Mitsubishi controller to heat hot water and 7 apartments.
I was wondering if OEM would support this kind of setup? Do I need 4 units?
I want to install 4 x 10 kW Ecodan connected together as a cascading system using the Mitsubishi controller to heat hot water and 7 apartments.
I was wondering if OEM would support this kind of setup? Do I need 4 units?
I now have two heat meters feeding into my emoncms instance and I am in the process of configuring the feeds and heat pump app to display the data.
I’ve used virtual feeds and added the source feeds from each heat pump meter to create an aggregated feed. This makes sense for many of the feeds such as power/heat energy etc.
I’m wondering how best to handle the flow/return temperature feeds.
At times only one of the two heat pumps is active so averaging the temperatures across the units doesn’t make sense. Maybe I should average them when both units are active and otherwise us the active unit’s temperature data…?
Any insights from the community on this topic would be appreciated.
Yes, you will need 4x heat meters and 4x electric meters to be able to monitor each unit separately. It’s possible for us to configure our monitor to read from all the heat and electricity meters using a single MBUS and Modbus reader.
@glyn.hudson I see you’ve been burning the night oil
Any thoughts on how the multiple feeds should be captured/represented in the heatpump app?
There are two cascade systems listed on HPM which appear to show combined power and energy feeds. I think they show the temps from the first system.
Thanks for highlighting @Timbones.
Looking at the charts for those systems I suspect they are showing the flow and return temperatures measured from the heating manifold which would typically be bypassed when the system is in DHW mode. I am currently doing the same on my cascaded view, this is using the temperatures reported by the Ecdoan master controller (rather than the heat meter) and these probes are installed in the heating circuit distribution manifold. You can see the flow temperature topping out at 44C (at 04:21) after the DHW run this morning;
Whilst on the system view for the heat pump (using heat meter flow/return values) topped out at 54C at 04:15 just as the DHW run ended;
Tank temperature was 46.5C at the end of the run, presumably heat is slowly bleeding through the pipework (and the closed 3-way valve) to reach the manifold.
Yes, that’s correct. The power and energy feeds for heat and electric are summed together, but the flow and return temperatures and just displayed from the CH meter. However, in the Emoncms account there will be two other MyHeatPump apps to view the data from each heat pump separately with corresponding flow and return temperature e.g For that NIBE Urban Plumbers cascade system:
Combined: Emoncms - app view
HP1: Emoncms - app view
HP2: Emoncms - app view