Can't figure this one

So almost a year ago i had success letting a pi zero control a heating element and report numbers to

now i have setup another pi with the emonsd image

thought i would start over with the pi controlling the heating element and now i get this error:

File “”, line 185
conn.request(“GET”, “/”+emoncmspath+"/input/post?node="+str(nodeid)+"&csv="+str_join&apikey="+apikey+")
SyntaxError: keyword can’t be an expression

the complete code here: #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#SETTINGS STARTstart_time = '0 -

will try and look at it but since it used to work i have a hard time figuring it. something else must have changed

solved it basicly by replacing the + with comma


Could you show the changes you made? That way if anyone else runs into the same or a similar
issue, they’ll have a better idea of what to do to resolve the problem.


yep… line 185 changes to:

    conarg1 = ('/', emoncmspath, '/input/post?node=', str(nodeid), '&csv=', str_join, '&apikey=', apikey)
    conarg = "".join(str(x) for x in conarg1)

    conn.request("GET", conarg)

might not be pretty but does the job


btw… do you know how to display the main dashboard when not logged in to emoncms?

ie its on a self hosted pi

figured it

used wrong url


ie it must end on username and both feeds and dasboard needs to be public and published

Sounds good.

Mark it solved, That way it’ll show up if someone with the same question searchs for a solution.