Hi , I have been trying to use EMONCMS online and encountered a problem with an error message which seems to be preventing it working correctly. I have a local instance working perfectly with a heat pump power feed and kWh feed. I have set up and used the myHeatPump app fine locally but when this data is synced to the cloud version I always get an error message as attached. I have tried to delete all the data and setup again but still not working correctly. Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug to be resolved . Thanks Phil Broggio
Having installed my system yesterday and trying to set this up, I encounter essentially the same problem.
Any suggestions?
I have found that everything works perfectly in a local installation but when I sync the same data to the cloud version I get the error. I don’t have a solution but wonder if this is a software issue. Most of my data is coming from home assistant except for power and kWh data. I get the problem on both my mobile and OC. Hoping someone with more knowledge can shed some light on this as it makes the system unusable ATM
I have completely rebuilt the emoncms instance with latest image and cleaned out all the data in the cloud version. As before local installation working fine but same error messages on the cloud version. Have now found I can force the software to refresh by switching the options on/off in the details section but something is not right with my data or the software error trapping. @TrystanLea @glyn.hudson can you advise please.
This should now be fixed, can you try again now?
Hi Trystan, I have just checked and pleased to report no error messages . Thank you for the swift response. Just waiting for my heat meter to be added to my setup and I’ll be hopefully joining the league table in next couple of weeks. Cheers Phil