Firstly, got to say I feel there is a serious lack of documentation about using the USB to UART programmer. That aside, I’ve reached the point of binning the whole emon system because after a week of evenings I cannot get the UART programmer to work.I suspect is it a duff board, so I’m hoping someone can confirm what I’m thinking.
Firstly, I have an emonPi and 3 emonTx boards. The emonPi is working and I have one of the emonTx boards connected to it, so from this perspective (I haven’t really configured anything yet, no point if I cannot get all 3 boards talking to the Pi).
So I need to set the node ID on one of the boards at least via the programmer.
I’ve spent a fair bit of time reading as much info as I can find, and no matter what I do, I get no output at all from the board. I have tested this on 2 PCs that I know are good, as they both talk to other serial devices over the USB ports.
I’ve installed the Windows 10 drivers for the UART board.
I’ve installed the Arduino IDE
When I first tried to get the UART board to talk to the PC, the blue light came on, on the board, but there was no serial port being created on the PC, nor was there the usual “bing” to indicate something had been plugged in. After 2 evenings, I tried a different USB extension cable to the one supplied, and suddenly there was my serial port in device manager. Upon checking it was a new port (Not Com3/4/5) that has not been used by any other USB to Serial driver, so from that perspective all should be good.
Now plugging the UART board into the cable gets the Windows “bing” to say a device is connected.
Next another “beef”. There is no diagram I can find to say which way up the UART board is supposed to be plugged into the emonTx. I’ve tried it both ways up and I get nothing.
The instructions state to not plug in any power source to the emonTx when the UART board is connected… How does it boot then? I have tried without, and then with a mini USB power soirce BTW.
I’ve used serial since about 1980, so I think I know my way around it. But using PuTTY, Reflection and the Arduino IDE, I cannot get any response at all when the UART board is connected to the emonTx. Nothing, Zero, Zilch… and YES, I have messed with the baud rate and the NL/CR settings and still I get nothing at all.
The UART board looks somewhat worse for wear though, nothing a clean and tidy as the photo of a board in the “shop”.
Am I doing something wrong or is the board as dead as the USB cable that came with it?
Answers on a (electronic) postcard please, because I’m tearing my hair out and I didn’t have too much to begin with!