(Valter Paulino)
7 December 2017 23:35
On the emoncms version low-write 9.8.24 | 2017.11.27 i cannot add the process “Publish to MQTT” to an input with content “node2/amps”, it displays the following error: ERROR: Could not save processlist. Invalid characters in arg
The char it is complaining is the “/”.
8 December 2017 01:10
I think @TrystanLea is aware of this and will fix soon, see github issue
opened 06:18PM - 05 Dec 17 UTC
closed 08:06PM - 09 Dec 17 UTC
In input process list, I cannot publish to MQTT when I use a '/' charact… er.
Publish to 'power1' works
Publish to 'emon/power1' brings 'ERROR: Could not save processlist. Invalid characters in arg' when I want to save.
Kind regards,
My configuration
Emoncms | Version | 9.8.24 \| 2017.11.27
-- | -- | --
| Modules | Administration \| App v1.0.0 \| Dashboard v1.1.1 \| EventProcesses \| Feed \| Graph v1.0.0 \| Input \| notify \| CoreProcess \| Schedule \| Time \| User \| Visualisation
Server | OS | Linux 4.9.0-4-amd64
| Host | emoncms (
| Date | 2017-12-05 19:13:57 CET
| Uptime | 19:13:57 up 21:04, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
HTTP | Server | Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 80
MySQL | Version | 5.5.5-10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1
| Host | localhost (
| Date | 2017-12-05 19:13:57 (UTC 01:00)
| Stats | Uptime: 75853 Threads: 1 Questions: 18965 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 22 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 16 Queries per second avg: 0.250
Redis | Version | 3.2.6
| Host | localhost:6379 (
| Size | 48 keys (800.23K)Flush
| Uptime | 0 days
MQTT | Version | 1.4.14
| Host | localhost:1883 (
Memory | RAM | Used 42.23%Total: 474.12 MB Used: 200.21 MB Free: 273.91 MB
| Swap | Used 0.00%Total: 510 MB Used: 0 B Free: 510 MB
Disk | Mount | Stats
| / | Used 9.95%Total: 19.07 GB Used: 1.9 GB Free: 16.18 GB
PHP | Version | 7.0.19-1 (Zend Version 3.0.0)
| Modules | apache2handler \| calendar v7.0.19-1 \| Core v7.0.19-1 \| ctype v7.0.19-1 \| curl v7.0.19-1 \| date v7.0.19-1 \| dio v0.0.9 \| dom v20031129 \| exif v1.4 \| fileinfo v1.0.5 \| filter v7.0.19-1 \| ftp v7.0.19-1 \| gettext v7.0.19-1 \| hash v1.0 \| iconv v7.0.19-1 \| igbinary v2.0.1 \| json v1.4.0 \| libxml v7.0.19-1 \| mcrypt v7.0.19-1 \| mysqli v7.0.19-1 \| mysqlnd \| openssl v7.0.19-1 \| pcre v7.0.19-1 \| PDO v7.0.19-1 \| pdo_mysql v7.0.19-1 \| Phar v2.0.2 \| posix v7.0.19-1 \| readline v7.0.19-1 \| redis v3.1.1 \| Reflection v7.0.19-1 \| session v7.0.19-1 \| shmop v7.0.19-1 \| SimpleXML v7.0.19-1 \| sockets v7.0.19-1 \| SPL v7.0.19-1 \| standard v7.0.19-1 \| sysvmsg v7.0.19-1 \| sysvsem v7.0.19-1 \| sysvshm v7.0.19-1 \| tokenizer v7.0.19-1 \| wddx v7.0.19-1 \| xml v7.0.19-1 \| xmlreader v7.0.19-1 \| xmlwriter v7.0.19-1 \| xsl v7.0.19-1 \| Zend OPcache v7.0.19-1 \| zlib v7.0.19-1 \|
(Matthew Wire)
5 June 2018 19:44
5 June 2018 20:07
Hi Matt, I have just replied to the github issue you raised.
I’m wondering if you are likely to get the results you expect if you call the publish to mqtt process from a virtual feed.