Can not load firmware

I have edited the EmonTXv3 firmware calibration and am trying to upload the file using PlatformIO but it fails. Bellow is what I get in the console.

Uploading .pio\build\emontx\firmware.hex
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x63
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 2 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x74

avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 3 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x31
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 4 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x3a
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 5 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x30
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 6 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x2c
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 7 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x63
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 8 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x74
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 9 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x32
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x3a
avrdude done.  Thank you.
*** [upload] Error 1
========================= [FAILED] Took 9.52 seconds =========================
Environment    Status    Duration
-------------  --------  ------------
emontx         FAILED    00:00:09.516
emontx_deploy  IGNORED
==================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:00:09.516 ====================

I have confirmed that the serial connection is working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All good I did not have the CTS pin connected, once connected everything worked.

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Welcome to the forum, Simon. Glad to see you got it communicating.

Thanks. It’s working great now.