Hi folks - sorry for the general email. Not sure where or who to direct my query to.
We have been asked if we can connect our system via API to a client’s smart meters across several properties to monitor usage etc.
We have been told that in order to do so - we need the client’s consent given to their energy provider. Does anyone know how this is done - is there usually a particular email address or department, or is it a general request via their customer services department? Also, what information do we need to provide from our client to the utility company?
Final question - how long does it take for the utility company to respond usually?
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
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Access to customer smart meter data is often achieved via a 3rd party company, like
This article discusses the options available if you want to go direct to DCC, it does not sound easy!
How to access GB Smart Meter Data
Non domestic meter data access policy here. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/629752a78fa8f5038dcd28b5/maximising-non-domestic-smart-meter-data-offer-industry-guidance.pdf Presume a google of the supplier should bring up an email address to contact.
a. On-request data offer- in effect from 1st December 2022. This will enable nondomestic consumers and their nominated third parties to request free access to (up to) 12 months of their historic smart meter energy use data in a machinereadable format via the internet. Suppliers must respond to data access requests within 10 working days, either granting data access (where all legal requirements are met) or clearly outlining why the request has been rejected and next steps.