Bpi--R1 Firmware for - home automation/Iot Monitor including Zigbee2Mqtt & influxdb

BPi-R1 firmware - fully automatic home automation/Iot Monitor- with zigbee integration

Firmware download-

Firmware update for BPi-R1- the new firmware is geared towards espEasy firmware. it has domoticz installed and zidbee2mqtt. plus my normal platform of openwrt/collectd base- for IOT data collection

it is fully automatic for Iot data collection if MQTT topic is in the correct format, the data will be saved to Influx database and you can visualize with chonograf and send alerts with kapacitor. or you can use domoticz to save the data( or send to emoncms or multitudes of other controllers available in espeasy) Also Zigbee device connection is fully automatic as well and entries are added to domoticz…

the device can replaces all your nework devices in the household- Router,NAS, DLNA-media server. Database server, Iot Monitor , and home automation ( plus more) and in < 10 watt device

it is fully configure all you need to do is install your SSD in the device and a mount it

I forgot to install these packages for ext4 just ssh in and run these cmd

opkg update
opkg install kmod-usb-storage kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-vfat kmod-nls-cp437 kmod-nls-iso8859-1

then go to System → mount point and add a device mounted at /mnt/DATA

restart the device then add in influxdb, chronograf and kapacitor software
ssh into the device again

cd /mnt/DATA

then run these lines

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/influxdb/releases/influxdb-1.6.2_linux_armhf.tar.gz
tar xvfz influxdb-1.6.2_linux_armhf.tar.gz
mv influxdb-1.6.2_linux_armhf influxdb

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/chronograf/releases/chronograf-1.7.5_linux_armhf.tar.gz
tar xvfz chronograf-1.7.5_linux_armhf.tar.gz 
 mv chronograf-1.7.5_linux_armhf chronograf

wget https://dl.influxdata.com/kapacitor/releases/kapacitor-1.5.2_linux_armhf.tar.gz
tar xvfz kapacitor-1.5.2_linux_armhf.tar.gz 
mv kapacitor-1.5.2_linux_armhf kapacitor

then enable them by adding these lines to local startup ( system --.> startup → local startup)

/bin/Z2MQTT >nul 2>&1 & echo "Start Zigbee2mqtt" 

sudo -H -u root /mnt/DATA/influxdb/usr/bin/./influxd -config /influxdb.conf   >nul 2>&1 & echo "started influx" 

sudo -H -u root /mnt/DATA/./chronograf/usr/bin/chronograf   >nul 2>&1 & echo "started chronograf"

sudo -H -u root /mnt/DATA/./kapacitor/usr/bin/kapacitord -config /kapacitor.conf >nul 2>&1 & echo "Started Kapacitor" 

your data will now be saved to influxdb on the on SSD in the database called collectd it will save all data automatically from collectd to influxdb

when using espEasy firmware on your IOT esp device to sent to your database just enable rules ( advance option) then add lines simular to these that match your espeasy device configuration

example for DHT device


on dht#Humidity do
     Publish incoming/House/mqtt-Humidity/humidity-Househumidity,N:[dht#Humidity]  

on dht#Temperature do
      Publish incoming/House/mqtt-Temp/temperature-HouseInside ,N:[dht#Temperature] 

when sent in this format it will automatically be added to influxdb you can also add multiple controllers such sending the data to domoticz, enomcms, openHab …etc

of all the Pi devices I used this Bpi-R1 is still my most favorite… it the best bang for your buck…

end device with zigbee2mqtt dongle

and if you wish to build your own for other platform, orangepi,bananapi pro,olinixino, nanopi, pcdrino etc sunxi corexa7 type boards here are the compile packages for node and node-npm plus other