Both Input channels capable of bi-directional measuring on EmonDC?

I have just been learning how to log data into and able to check the data, but finding that channel B does bi-directional logging, but channel A seems to only do uni-directional logging out of the box, just wondering if or how i can enable bi-directional on both channels?, as i have a duel battery bank feeding my solar with different lithium chemistry, with one bank on A channel and the other on B channel

Hi Ross,

Glad to see you’ve got it up and running. The channel setting as uni or bi-directional takes two changes. First, a jumper needs switching, third image along shows the RefSelects:

Second is a firmware reflash. Bit fiddly I must say but if you’d like to give it a go lines 10 and 11 in emondc.ccp are the relevant lines.

I’ve tried a couple of times to make the firmware change to have emondc settings done from the interface.

Yes i can see the different default for each channel.

bool chanAref = 0; // Channel reference select: 0 for unidirectional, 1 for bidirectional.
bool chanBref = 1; // Channel reference select: 0 for unidirectional, 1 for bidirectional.

Yes i will have to learn how to change so both channels will have to be set to 1
Looking at channel B jumper, will I only need to more the jumper on channel A to be like it is on channel B, so both are as B channel?

I might be looking at 3 more of these EmonDC units for a solar wifi links, what i see so far is it’s ability to log data to emoncms, at the moment I am using a Tycon TPDIN-Monitor-WEB2 and only able to log locally and not global and has limited amount of logging capacity.
I am a little weak on the programming thing, have played around with The Arduino Software (IDE) using its USB interface and also with the EnomTX, as i will be away from home until next Tuesday, will be looking at trying a few things with a bit of help.

Okay, thanks for the info. It’s the same upload method with emonDC as emonTx.
Arduino IDE and an FTDI/UART adaptor can be used.
Although, ArduinoIDE needs setting up to compile for the ESP module.

  1. Open Arduino preferences and add the line to the board manager URLs.

  2. Go to Tools > Board: > Boards Manager. Search for esp8266 and install version 2.4.2.

  3. Download firmware and load src.ino.
    Copy these board settings:

  • Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
  • Flash Size: 4M(1M)

    should be the only settings needing changing.
    for reference:

I usually have to do a second stage flash for the webserver stuff. If the web-interface isn’t loading properly then we can do the 2nd stage…

Will get back to upgrade later next week when I return from Groote Eylandt mine shutdown job, I will keep you posted how I go