We’ve just published a beta update to the Android Emoncms app (V2.3.2) which should enable it to be used with the latest version of Android 13.
If anyone has a phone running Android 13 (codename Tiramisu), please could you give it a go and let us know if it works? You can join the Beta test via the play store or by following this link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.emoncms.myapps
The Android app is very basic and limited in many ways, but it’s good to keep it functional. Our development focus is on the web version of Emoncms which also works pretty well cross-platform on a mobile device.
Thanks for testing, are you connecting to a HTTPS server e.g emoncms.org or a HTTP server e.g local Emoncms?
I’m aware the beta version currently has an issue with connecting to non HTTPS servers, I’m looking into a solution for this. Latest version of Android does not like connecting to non-secure servers