Auto hertz - Energy Monitor and Diversion with howto instructions

Update functionality:
Added more functionality to my energy monitor…

manual control of SSR 1 output for scheduled purposes

You can use espeasy firmware or home automation software to schedule events such as once a week heat your hot water tank to 70 C - temperature control by either espeasy or a mechanical switch on your tank ( this would be my preferred method for safety reasons )

automation software__

http://your_ip/control?cmd=pwm,12,0           sets ssr1 to auto for diversion and off
http://your_ip/control?cmd=pwm,12,1023      (  10 - 1023 - manually sets ssr1 at a fixed pulse for  for scheduled events

within espeasy firmware in the rules__

 On Clock#Time=Sun,18:25 do 

 On Clock#Time=Sun,19:25 do  

manual and automatic control of the relays via home automation software or espeasy firmware–

there is auto function- this is determined by the diversion it will cascade into each switch as more load is required. if enabled it is saved into the eeprom to maintain setting after reboot. there are 4 relays that can be enabled or disabled. if disabling auto function disable from 4 -1…
and manual control for use via espeasy firmware or home automation software …

pulse setting are as follows

switch1  auto(355) off(325) on(295)
switch2  auto(265) off(235) on(205)
switch3  auto(175) off(145) on(115)
switch4 auto(85) off(55)  on(25)

there are 0 - 900 so there is alot of room for other switching configurations if you would like more options

example :
home automation

http://your_ip/control?cmd=pwm,04,25   turns on switch4 
http://your_ip/control?cmd=pwm,04,55   turns off switch4
http://your_ip/control?cmd=pwm,04,355   turns auto function on for switch1

example espeasy firmware

On Clock#Time=All,1:30 do   // every day at 1:30 hours  turns on  switch 2...

On Clock#Time=All,2:30 do   // every day at 1:30 hours  turns off  switch 2...

when setting up espeay firmware under hardware set gpio-12 and gpio-04 to low output
in devices as above add a task 3 named outputs with single input and interval of 1 second
and insert this into the rules

on outputs#switch>0 do

this rule turns off the pwm once the switching info is received

on the wemos R3 (uno/wifi)
you will need to run a lead from gpio-12 on the esp header to pin 6 on uno board this is the pwm override control
and you will need to run another lead from gpio-04 to pin5 on the uno board.

the newest firmware for this is found here

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