Another use for Emoncms: honey bee hive monitoring

Just thought I would share my usage of EmonCMS for monitoring Bee Hives. I have an Arduino Nano collecting data from DS18B20 temperature and DHT21 Humidity sensors at the hive. This is transmitted to a Mege2560 via XRF modules. The Mega is then used to display data on a TFT LCD screen for local use and data transmitted over WiFi to the EmonCMS server via a ESP8266

I still have to make a Stevenson type housing for the external DHT21 to try and read ambient accurately as atm the humidity readings are all over the shop. The hive humidity seems to be OK

As EmonCMS is biased towards power usage I am sort of limited on what widgets and visuals I use without delving into code. It is still in its infant stages so things will change alter. Anyway here is the link to my server

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There’s quite a bit about bee hive monitoring on the old forum.

one of the posts on old forum Robert is talking about
other post

I saw those posts and sites when I started to develop my system. They are what lead me to use EmonCMS as it seemed the easiest to setup and use on a Linux web server :slight_smile:


Nice setup! I’ve always dabbled in bee monitoring as a side project. Together with my father who’s a keen been keeper we run using emoncms to graph temperature data. We have a few years worth of data in there now Emoncms - dashboard view live

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Nice project :slight_smile: Have you considered adding a scale?

Here is a good introduction: Getting Started with Load Cells -

I have as a future addition. I wanted to get the basics working first (serial RF communication and upload to web code). In the new year I hope to start on the load cells as a project :grin:

I also have in progress a bee counter and a Queen detector. I’m on the look out for some micro RFID chips but so far I haven’t found a supplier. I can’t use a hall sensor as the magnet would too to strong for the queen to release herself from any metal - gimp pins, cars etc. We have tried inductance loops but it is very hit and miss but the hardware ends up quite bulky


Nice to see the cluster is pretty constant. Mine is still varying with ambient as the sensor is still in free air on a frame
