Looking at the graphs, you seem to have some single data points for COP that are way out of range, hence the graph is basically flat, hiding the detail. These are surely anomalies and are maybe artefacts of the way the data is stored and processed? They only seem to occur when the pump is turning on or off. Would it be possible to remove these from the data, either as they are being stored (with some log warning) or before the data is displayed. That way, you’d be able to see much more detail from the COP graph.
Also, it looks as though you circulate your hot water, it gradually loses heat between operations of the HP. This seems to be a standard method for new builds with HPs. We are about to commission a new build and we’ve designed things so that all the bathrooms are close to the plant room, minimising any hot water runs. The kitchen sink is the only place hot water would be used that is some way from the plant room and we intend to put in a Quooker (instantaneous boiling/hot water) on the premise that with Solar PV and a battery system, this should be more cost effective than circulating the hot water to all points where it is needed with the inherent heat losses.
Not sure if anyone has experience of this with HP systems?
Having said all that, this looks like a great addition to the Open Energy arsenal. Thanks for posting.