Hello @Wayne, have you connected to an old database that might have an existing user in place? You should expect to see a register link on that page, there’s no admin login.
It was a brand new build. I was presented with a register page which I completed and it then went to this page.
In phpmyadmin I can see myself as admin user . I must also add that i never received any email to verify my registration ! I have however tried to manipulate this by changing the “0” in the “email_verified” field to “1” but this doesn’t work. Additionally the “verification_key” field remains blank.
Hi Brian - thanks for the input. I have most definitely tried with the username that is logged as admin in the DB, its the only one i have been trying…
I have attached a screenshot of the PHPMyAdmin User table and as one can see there is 1 data entry in the table. The “verification_field” is however empty and i assume this is why i cannot login.
Thinking out aloud , should i delete the entry entirely and try and register again ? or are there any suggestions on what data to insert in the “verification_field” ? Perhaps even try a fresh DB install?
@TrystanLea I deleted the DB line and went back to the URL, was presented with a registration form - registered and same happens. Safe to say this doesn’t fix the issue.
Is it not the “verification_key” which should contain a value?? it is blank again.
The Username Brian. I am using “Wayne” & the password I registered with. ( see screenshot ). The login form is definitely cross-checking the DB because if I try with a random username it says “User name does not exist”. If I try with “Wayne” it says “Authentification required”. Does anyone know what field is supposed to be in the “verification_key” - i’m almost certain this blank field is my issue?
exactly right Brian. If i enter the incorrect password i too get the same error ( see attached ). But if i enter all the correct details i just loop back to the logon screen…
I have spent a few hours trying to resolve my issue , but to no avail. I tried many things and then realised it may be because a “wordpress” install was in the /Public_html directory. I then decided to install on a fresh domain with no other content. I now receive a different error : “The requested URL /emoncms was not found on this server”. I found similar posts on this issue but Ubuntu related - i am running on Centos 7.7 , Apache 2.4.41, Nginx 1.16.1 - PHP build 7.0 on this domain.
No idea if I am honest - it is just where I expect the issue to lie ultimately. I have had this sort of issue before with Wordpress on shared hosting (it is much better now than it was).
I think there is a php_info.php file in the emoncms folder. Can you access that URL directly?
Brian - i was an idiot. After setting up the fresh domain i forgot to update A records in DNS. Thats sorted now , and i am again back to my frustrating place of not being able to login… Very frustrating. I am admin in the DB ( registration seemed to work well ) but cannot login … @TrystanLea - any help please?