Adding two feeds in a virtual feed

I have a virtual feed that is the sum of two other feeds. It was providing the expected output until recently and now it only appears to output a value when both source feeds are not zero (see below).

The yellow trace is the virtual feed which is configured to be the sum of the red and blue feed.

Is this an appropriate way to present the sum of two individual feeds?

Hello @Jaddache I have been able to replicate and fix this issue here. It’s currently in the master branch and will work its way to stable soon.

If you would like to try the fix in the mean time you can update to the latest version of emoncms and then navigate to Admin > Updates > Components and then select the master branch for ‘Emoncms core’. That will update and pull in this fix.

Thank you Trystan. I will try this later today and see how it goes.

The graphs are now rendering as expected. Thank you.:+1:

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