I am looking for a little help and I am a little embarressed I haven’t been able to do this myself.
I built this temperature, humidity and pressure system. The stock code works fine, but I wanted to post the data to the Emoncms server. No problem I thought I have managed to do this with a bit of hacking of php code in the past. However I am very new to Arduino and after many attempts and failures I am looking for some help.
I have looked at many similar bits of Ardunio code in this forum and I can’t get them to even compile without errors. I was going to post my attempts, but I think it may just complicate the matter further. I think it would be better if someone would be kind enough to provide some suggested code to use.
You haven’t defined a nodeid. How is this handled?
In the “sendData” you have a different order to “Get” post. “realPower1, realPower2, tPower,” compared to “tPower, realPower1, realPower2” Does this cause a problem, or was it done for a specific reason?