Add math plugin

Hi. Could someone add the math plugin to this forum? Discourse Math

That will make it much easier to write out equations about things like heat loss, heat flow etc.


I was just about to post this - excellent idea!


I ā€œ@ flaggedā€ this in case youā€™ve not seen the first post in the thread.

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Sure, we will look at adding that.



Good, idea! Iā€™ve added the plugin. Itā€™s now working :partying_face:

\sqrt{(-1)} \; 2^3 \; \sum \; \pi
\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}

The code behind the above looks like

\sqrt{(-1)} \; 2^3 \; \sum \; \pi

\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}

These big equations seen very complicated, but basic stuff seems quite straightforward:

P = I^2 *R
P = I^2 *R


It also works inline e.g x^2\sqrt{y} which is $x^2\sqrt{y}$

The plugin uses MathJax, which I believe is very similar to Latex. I donā€™t have any experience or familiarly with writing maths!


Yay! Thanks, works great.

It takes a little bit to get used to. But this is the standard way to write math everywhere. MathJax supports most of the ā€˜standardā€™ math syntax in LaTeX.

A few tips:

\mathrm {Ra} =\mathrm {Gr} \cdot \mathrm {Pr} ={\frac {g\Delta \rho L^{3}}{\mu \alpha }}={\frac {g\beta \Delta TL^{3}}{\nu \alpha }}
  • Math formulas can be copy pasted into if you want to graph something.
  • You can copy math from a formula by right clicking on the equation ā†’ show math as
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Nice, thatā€™s a really useful tip. Thanks!

And if itā€™s only a square root that you need, the old faithful HTML entity √ gives you āˆš.

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I love it, thanks! I think Iā€™ll have to edit some old posts to make use of that :sweat_smile:.

your post triggered this request :rofl:

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