I would be interested in purchasing https://shop.openenergymonitor.com/6-channel-energy-monitoring-emontx-v4/ 6 Channel Energy Monitoring: emonTx V4 , I ask if it can be used to monitor the state of charge of batteries.
Best regards
Welcome, Giovanni, to the OEM forum.
As it comes out of the shop, I’m sorry but it cannot. However, @TrystanLea and @stuart might have some suggestions for how it might be done.
Thanks for the reply, What do you mean by “As it comes out of the shop” ? It is in the shop
Hello @gnieddu thanks for the interest in the emonTx4. The emonTx4 is designed to monitor AC electricity, are the batteries that you wish to monitor, home energy storage batteries, AC coupled perhaps? If so then you could monitor the charge and discharge rate on the AC side. If the battery system is all DC then Im afraid the emonTx4 cant be used for that.