I work in the Bristol office of Windey Energy, a large Chinese wind turbine and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) manufacturer.
Our BESS systems (215kWh and 5MWh) are already used at scale in China, but we want to set up a UK portfolio of successful use cases across several different industries.
For this reason, Windey Energy is able to offer several 215kWh systems at no upfront costs, only some ongoing payments based on savings subject to discussions.
We have a team of software engineers in Bristol, so we can customize the solution to fit individual needs and ensure it works as well as it possibly can - after all, the aim is to build a portfolio of successful use cases!
We can also do financial simulations based on the existing/predicted electricity consumption and integration with solar PV if present.
In conjunction with the appropriate electricity tariff, BESS systems can deliver significant cost and CO2 savings. They can also be used to generate further revenue via Virtual Trading Party trading. We are an accredited VTP so we can explain in detail what this means.
If your workplace has a large electrical consumption and could make use of a BESS system, I’d love to hear from you!
Please email me at [email protected]