10 years heat pump data

I’m new to the forum, I’ve had a 16Kw Samsung HP installed for 10 yrs and have maintained a data base across all aspects of the house energy utilization during that period. The cottage also has 4Kw of solar PV and recently installed an Eddie to optimize the solar.
Would this spreadsheet be of interest to the community.

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I have a Samsung 16kW (2021 model), sounds interesting!

Christian, glad you are interested, I will attach my data base and you can brows it, get in touch again with any questions or may be we could connect by mobile to share experience.

Not up to speed yet with the forum to be able to share this data further may be you know how to do that.

Anyway look forward to your response.

(Attachment Monthly Electricity Usage.xlsx is missing)

You didn’t have permission to attach the file. You do now. (But it only accepts certain file extensions - and I don’t know the list, so you’ll find out if it does or doesn’t accept .xlsx when you try. Just drag and drop the file into the message box.)

Here is the list, @Robert.Wall.

I have just added .xls and .xlsx to this list.


I meant “I couldn’t recite the list” :grinning:

If it rejects a file, I just zip it.

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I’ll try again with my
Monthly Electricity Usage.xlsx (39.8 KB)
data base on XL and see if it loads this time.