WD Curve scheduling Daikin Altherma

cool thanks @Stephen_Crown , it’s going to sound strange, but is there a cool down timer or narrowing of the DT before the HP ‘actually’ turns off with Pure WC, I turned off the HP at 10am, its off on the app and off on the MMI, but i can still see around 300W being consumed with 7 L/min DT 2 ish, 20 or so mins later

It could be a couple of things in my experience with the 9/11/14/16 variant of the Daikin Altherma 3M:

  1. If outside air temperature at or below ~6C, then regardless of Space Heating mode (on/off), then then pump will run (compressor off) to circulate warm water to outside to prevent freezing

  2. If outside air temperature at or below ~6C, then if you have Antifrost still enabled (think it’s a default and I turned mine off), then regardless of Space Heating mode (on/off), then not only will the pump run, but the compressor will run a lowest frequency for a short-ish period to get water temperature up to a failsafe level

In all cases including the above, the following pump control configuration should be looked at, with “Sample rather than Continuous” and “60% limitation on Sampling” modes strongly advised:

thanks, 8kW here - its more than the circulation pump, its 300+ Watts so the compressor is running :-(, I am on sampling, and 60% when sampling already, it is 5 outside, if I go back to Madoka control it shuts off the HP; I did call Daikin and did not get an answer either…thanks again it’s a strange one

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This is the section relating to Antifrost in larger Altherma 3M Installer configuration section, but possibly applies to the smaller version:

good find @Stephen_Crown sorry for bugging you, really appreciated, it could be this - would you mind checking your MMI to see if the space heating - ‘antifrost’ is off or on with your unit, it did look like the LWT setpoint was 31 - this is the lowest temp on my WDC (rubbish manual ‘will be lowered’ to what?), hence the unit did not turn off at 5 degrees outside? My setting are currently yes & yes

@tiger_cook Antifrost is definitely disabled on my setup, and I found it by trying to understand exactly what you’re going through now.

If you disable that setting, at 6C or below you will still see Sampling however at 60% pump speed periodically per your previous posts even if Space Heating is set to Off - that should be considered normal and the best you can do in LWT mode.

Unsure if you have the same issue that a few of us have resolved on the bigger units where tape heaters were always on when the pump ran (even above 6C!) - I shaved ~80watts (50%) off the power usage during sampling by fixing this issue that is for some reason the jumper cable is in place (incorrectly) for U.K. Daikin units.

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do you have a picture or explanation of where this tape heater jumper is ?

Hi @Chris_Hill I think you have the 6kW unit, it does not have a tape heater to the best of my knowledge only the 9 and above.

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ah ok , i was just getting ready to take the cover off and check

Awesome thanks again @Stephen_Crown ,
So, I think with the 8kW and below we can conclude with the Antifrost enabled it will use the compressor (consume ~300W) to flow the water at the min LTW set in the WDC, in my case 31, even when the unit is OFF (under 6 outside) and when you have pure weather comp ie LWT set/configured.
I have disabled room antifrost as in the UK IMHO its unlikely to be an issue and the house would have to be unoccupied for weeks.
I do think the Daikin support team could have helped me find this setting when I called them, and I explained the situation.
Every day is a learning day :slight_smile:

** UPDATE **
Confirmed operated LWT for an hour or so, turn it off via the API - The HP now truly powers off the compressor, once the antifreeze has been disabled at 5 degrees outside, just ~15W for the controls now.

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