Wanted: emonTH 2 sketch that handles many external ds1820Bs - I'll pay for it!

Hi Robert
does this help:

UK installation: in kent

Underloor heating manifolds - 6 off

are spread about 10-15m apart -all in one building.

2 x 14 sensors
2 x 10 sensors
2 x 6 sensors

Boiler-room sensors
1 x 12 sensors (currently use 3 emonTH’s with 2 sensors each -works fine)

( boiler room is under a concrete floor but no problems with lost samples, so radio connection seems OK -back to emonPi in office room, 20 metres across an L in the building: * Internet connectivity: cabled with ethernet to an ethernet router)

Room temp measurements

a single temp sensor at each emonTh
running 2 right now - will add maybe 5 or 6 more

Short term extras
Gas meter
we may be stuck on this: we can;t connect our own ‘spinning magnet’ sensor - because it has an existing ‘meter reading’ attachment from the gas company- we are contacting them to see if we can get online access in their portal to hourly graphs… fingers crossed.

Medium Term extras
Electricity meter pulse counter
Electrical CTs

add 2nd building

we have also have a community hall, 20m away.
Sadly it has electric heating -radiant heaters =- greedy

Would add temp sensor inside: and maybe CT’s on the heating