Hi @IanDavies, sorry to hear you’re having trouble. Agree, thanks for your excellent support request with plenty of info to work with. Also thanks a lot to @Jon and @Paul.
If a user is running a pre-built image (emonSD-03May16) then updata via the web interface should be used rather than git pull since the web interface update does more that just git pull e.g. update db, fix logrotate issue, fix emonhub nodes issue, fix service runner user permission issue etc. The web interface update will work the same on both emonPi and em on Basel (RFM69Pi + Raspberry Pi).
This emonhub conf spacing issue should now be fixed with the latest update.
A solid red light indicates the the RFM12Pi unit has crashed. A power cycle should fix it. This is the reason why the emonhub log does not show any received packets. Do you have a newer RFM69Pi or an older RFM12Pi? . This is an ongoing issue, that only seems to affect some users: