Using inputs, feeds and processlists with API

Here is an example of one of my earlier templates.

{       "name": "emonTx-L1",
        "description": "Automatic inputs and feeds creation for single L1 device.",
        "inputs": [
                        "name": "1",
                        "description": "L1-AC_voltage",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-voltage" }
                                                        "process": "27",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-voltage_max" }
                                                        "process": "28",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-voltage_min" }
                        "name": "2",
                        "description": "L1-AC_frequency",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-frequency" }
                        "name": "3",
                        "description": "L1-CT1_current",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-grid_current" }
                        "name": "4",
                        "description": "L1-CT2_current",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-solar_current" }
                        "name": "5",
                        "description": "L1-CT3_current",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-heat_current" }
                        "name": "6",
                        "description": "L1-CT4_current",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-light_current" }
                        "name": "7",
                        "description": "L1-CT1_power",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-grid_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-grid_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-grid_kwhd" }
                                                        "process": "25",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::NONE", "value": "0" }
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-export_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-export_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-export_kwhd" }
                                                        "process": "37",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::NONE", "value": "0" }
                                                        "process": "24",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::NONE", "value": "0" }
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-import_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-import_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-import_kwhd" }
                        "name": "8",
                        "description": "L1-CT2_power",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-solar_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-solar_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-solar_kwhd" }
                                                        "process": "29",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-grid_power" }
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-use_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-use_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-use_kwhd" }
                        "name": "9",
                        "description": "L1-CT3_power",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-heat_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-heat_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-heat_kwhd" }
                        "name": "10",
                        "description": "L1-CT4_power",
                        "processList": [
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-light_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-light_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-light_kwhd" }
                                                        "process": "33",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::NONE", "value": "0" }
                                                        "process": "29",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-use_power" }
                                                        "process": "30",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-heat_power" }
                                                        "process": "30",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-light_power" }
                                                        "process": "1",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-other_power" }
                                                        "process": "4",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-other_kwh" }
                                                        "process": "5",
                                                        "arguments": {"type": "ProcessArg::FEEDID", "value": "L1-other_kwhd" }

        "feeds": [
                        "name": "L1-voltage",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-voltage_max",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-voltage_min",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-frequency",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-grid_current",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-solar_current",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-use_current",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-heat_current",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-light_current",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-other_current",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-grid_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-export_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-import_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-solar_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-use_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-heat_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-light_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-other_power",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-grid_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-export_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-import_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-solar_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-use_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-heat_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-light_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-other_kwh",
                        "type": "DataType::REALTIME",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-grid_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-export_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-import_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-solar_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-use_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-heat_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-light_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"
                        "name": "L1-other_kwhd",
                        "type": "DataType::DAILY",
                        "engine": "Engine::PHPTIMESERIES"

First off the inputs are listed each has a “name” field (read index or “key” as per the emoncms inputs page), a “description” field (“name” in emoncms input pages) and a “processList” field which has 2 sub-fields for each process in the list, a process id (numeric function name) and the “arguments”, This “arguments” field is the key to this working, basically it is going to use the “value” to lookup the feed id so you must ensure there is a feed defined in the feeds section to suit.

The feeds section is used first, using the “name”, “type” and “engine” fields (plus “interval” and “processList” where needed for fixed interval and virtual feeds) the device module creates all the feeds first and notes the feedids so that it can create the inputs using the correct feedids.

The error handling isn’t great so be sure you have created enough feeds and there are no typo’s, once the feeds are created it immediately created the inputs and if any feed isn’t “known” ie held in memory following creation from within the same template and same run, it will fail and you cannot “pick up where you left off” so you then have to delete it all and start again or complete it by hand.

I use an online JSON validator to check my JSON as a missed comma or brace will also cause a failure. I tend to run the template on a test site before using it on a live site and it is easy to repeat the templates, for example this template I duplicated for L2 and L3 on a 3phase install.

You cannot unfortunately use “+ input” or “+feed” type processes that refer to inputs or feeds that already exist or are being created by another template, so for example when I needed to sum the power of the 3 phases, each created by it’s own template, I had another “totaling template” for that. I can expand on how that works if you like but it’s a bit of a workaround so I won’t confuse this post with it right now.

Once the templates are in emoncms/Modules/device/data you can create as many devices as you wish accross as many accounts as you like , from the “device” page or via the api (there is a link to the api docs in the top right corner of the device page just like the input and feeds pages).

Due to little or no docs it is a bit hard to get to grips with at first but once your rolling it is very easy to use. A bit of trial and error really is the best way to pick it up, I can only assume it’s popularity is held back by the fact many users only create one set of inputs and feeds etc so it’s as easy to create them by hand as it is to create the templates and manual creation permits minor errors to be corrected and changes to be made enroute, but with the device module it is essential everything is in place before hitting the button and then it’s done instantly.

Also see the Emoncms Device Wizard thread for a discussion around auto-configuration of devices and the device module.