Thanks for Your help! I am now having a bit more time so I can come back to this topic. Let me summarize my issues a little:
- I’m using ESP32 which has a pretty crappy ADC (non linear, poor reading etc.) → therefore I decided to “upgrade” it with the ADS1115
- From the Arduino serial plotter I am now getting a relatively good looking sign-wave for the current. This was not possible using the ESP32’s internal ADC’s.
- So, current setup is: ESP32 + ZMPT101B + ADS1115 (to be honest I don’t fully understand Robert’s explanation about max number of samples )
- I’m forgetting the current readings (ACS712) completely - just concentrating on Voltage at the moment.
The issue is - how do I get the AC Voltage reading from the ADS1115 channel (which is a sign wave)?
I wanted to use the emonlib function:
emon1.voltage(pin,calibration,1.7) - but I don’t know how to provide the “pin” information here…
My concern here also is I’m migrating a bit from the original topic - I wouldn’t like to “brake” any forum norms…