Unknown Nodes keep appearing

You might not have, but I think I have beaten Gordon by a long way. From a PM to Glyn & Trystan in October 23 while testing emonLibDB:

I couple of weeks after writing that, I noted two forum members had seen the same thing. When I experienced the problem I managed to delete about 50 at a time before it locked up.

I agree completely. It’s unacceptable.

And @grod55 isn’t alone, Wanting to monitor condensing boiler flow & Return temps - #51 by markstjwebb had 100+ he says - and because of it, he appears to have lost data because his feed calculations got wiped.

My suggestion months ago was to take the errant code out of circulation completely until it’s proven good and reliable - which means feeding it with every conceivable concoction of bad data until it lets nothing unwanted through.

Hello Gordon, Robert

This issue extends beyond autoconf, e.g even with autoonf disabled Gordon is seeing significant node creation in emoncms but not in the emonhub node list and so there are two things going on here.

Here’s my suggestion and solution implemented this morning.

1. A new option to disable pass through of radio node data if it is not registered in the emonhub nodelist already. This disables the first pathway that creates nodes without names, e.g node 17 and 26 in @grod55’s most recent screenshot. This is the issue that is independent of autoconf. I think we are probably safe to make this the default value, but I haven’t set it to be the default yet.

2. Gordon and others experiencing this disable autoconf as soon as the system is configured. Im reluctant to ship with autoconf disabled as the whole intention here is to remove the hassle of looking up and understanding node decoders and adding these to emonhub.conf or having to have a limited number of fixed nodeid’s for each firmware variant. The intention is for a plug and play solution and at least in our testing this feature has worked really well.

At least Id like to separate out fixing this issue for Gordon now with longer term changes to the default autoconf setting.

Solution in emonHub master branch, version 2.6.3

Hello @grod55 could you update emonhub to the lastest master branch. Navigate to Admin > Components, find the emonHub entry, select emonHub master branch and then click update:

Once you have done this and on refreshing the page the version number is displayed as 2.6.3, restart emonHub and then can you edit the [[SPI]] entry in emonhub.conf:

Add the line nodelistonly = 1 just below the pubchannels setting:

    Type = EmonHubRFM69LPLInterfacer
        nodeid = 5
        networkID = 210
        resetPin = 24
        selPin = 16
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        nodelistonly = 1

With nodelistonly = 1 and autoconf = 0 that will disable all new node creation in emonhub that is not already configured in the nodelist.


Prior to updating as suggested, all 60+ unknown nodes were back in my inputs list this morning. So, I have now updated as suggested and added the nodelistonly setting. The 60+ nodes are still in the list.
Am I correct that I need to delete these again (the updates above do not remove from the existing list - right?), and then going forward these nodes should not return.

I will update this post once I finish deleting all the unknown nodes.

As soon as I went back to the input screen the message below popped up. I would have thought that this wouldn’t happen with the new code and setting.



All unknown nodes have now been deleted from the inputs. I will wait a few hours and check back to see if any reappear.

Thanks @grod55

Deleting the nodes quickly can be done with


Much faster than going to each node and deleting manually

where do you execute these json scripts from? I tried earlier and got the following message.

    "success": false,
    "message": "Device does not exist"

All of the unknown nodes have been deleted (manually), but they are still appearing in emoncms.org - how do I run this script to eliminate them?


The updated emonHub and additional setting seem to have eliminated the unknown nodes. I made the changes and deleted all the unknown nodes and none have come back as inputs!


I was able to figure this out. Once I determined :flushed: that I needed to log onto emoncms.org first and then copy https://emoncms.org/device/clean.json

I received the message

Blockquote Deleted 19 nodes (744 inputs)

Definitely much faster
