A few more thoughts on the DHW programming;
When the heat pump starts the DHW cycle it must first heat itself (in Summer especially) and the pipes to the tank and their insulation. It then has to heat the pumped water up to the tank bottom temperature after which it can start putting useful heat into the tank. So for each DHW cycle there is a fixed ‘loss’ of electricity for the compressor during warm up plus a ‘useful’ energy input to actually raise the DHW temp.
A good working temp for the tank is 43 to 45 c - I couldn’t get into a bath at 45c and just could at 43c.
There are some days when you use more hot water than others and so the temperature drop in the tank can vary between - say 2 or 3 degrees (no usage -perhaps you are away for the day - but there will be static loss) and maybe 10 or 15 degrees. If the temperature drops more than this you probably want to reheat it for your washing up and showers etc…
You have the same fixed loss whether you heat it by 2c or by 15c and the average COP will be better with the 15c heat up due to the lower average temperature.
A SCHEDULE approach will have a variable heat up level - some days more efficient than others. Although a schedule could be set for say 2pm when the outside temp is at it’s max, the COP gain vs the middle of the night will be quite small.
Hence REHEAT with a reheat hysteresis of 10c is much more efficient every time and it also, automatically, caters for those days when you have a very high usage. On Schedule you would have to to a powerful (and wasteful) cycle using the Madoka on such days
It only makes sense to use SCHEDULE if, like me, your system is at it’s design limit in sub zero temps and you would rather it heated the house without interruption during the day and so set the schedule to heat when you are asleep.
Does this make sense?