Switching emonpi/emoncms logfile locations to /var/log/emoncms

I’ve got this appraoch working, it requires the creation of the /var/log/emoncms directory in rc.local and then lower down in rc.local:

chown -R pi:pi /var/log/emoncms
touch /home/pi/data/emonpiupdate.log
ln -s /home/pi/data/emonpiupdate.log /var/log/emoncms/emonpiupdate.log

touch creates the file if it doesnt exist and leaves it be if it does.

This is only needed for older images of course and the new image rc.local is the default with no changes + log2ram handles persistance.

Once this is in place Im ready to merge the log_location branches of emoncms and modules ready for the new script release: emonSD next steps: filesystem & logrotate - #192 by TrystanLea