Startup & systemd - a personal view

I’ve just got some more information about log2ram to share. I’m not sure where the best place to post it is: either here or maybe emonSD next steps - #20 by TrystanLea but I decided to post here. Please move it if appropriate.

OK, so a couple of things:

(1) I asked on the systemd list about how to configure journald to still write to persistent store even after /var/log is made volatile. See [systemd-devel] logging in RAM and journald configuration issue if you’re interested but TL;DR is to make another persistent directory just for journald and bind mount /var/log/journal to it (How about /var/log.journal ?) That gives us the best of both worlds and I suggest we implement it.

(2) In researching the above I looked at log2ram.service and noticed its Before= line and in particular ‘apache2.service’ on that line. Does that not suggest that every service that needs to log in /var/log needs adding to that line as well? In particular redis but also other things that get mentioned frequently. That makes the whole idea a bit more fragile, so it would be nice if it wasn’t true but then if not why is apache listed there?