Sharky 775 heat meter questions

Great stuff, you can read directly from the SDM120s via emonHub to get the data straight into Emoncms & MQTT:

We usually use Sontex or Kamstrup heat meters in our ASHP monitoring bundle, however emonHub can also read from Sharkey. The 2.5m3 is a good choice, I’m assuming you’ve seen our choosing a heat meter page?

As confirmed by @Zarch the default Sharkey MBUS ID is 25 therefore the following config will work:

    Type = EmonHubMBUSInterfacer
        device = /dev/ttyAMA0
        baud = 2400
        pubchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        read_interval = 10
        validate_checksum = False
        nodename = mbus
                address = 25
                type = standard

You will need a couple of 3/4" female BSP to 28mm compression irons e.g Brass Compression 28mm x 3/4 inch Straight Adaptor Female CxFi

and a 1/2" female 28mm compression branch tee for the temperature sensor pocket on the flow, the heat meter will fit on the return e.g Compression Female Branch Tee 28mm x28mm x 1/2"