Permanent "Raspberry Pi Booting..." after failed emonPi Update

Ah ok! Looking closer at it, it seems the config.cfg file is used by both the PHP code in emoncms and also the bash script that is run outside of emoncms via the service-runner.

What seemed like a simple deprecated comment symbol isn’t as straightforward as it would seem now.

Firstly why is this being thrown as an error on php5.6 if it only affects php7.x?

And secondly why is the file being read into emoncms as a ini using parse_ini_file() if it’s not strictly an ini file?

It is quite possible that this will get addressed as part of the new installer changes in the pipeline, otherwise, I think it’s probably the parse_ini_file() function that will need swapping out for something more compatible.

There’s a related discussion going on in the emonSD issues created using new scripts + emonhub environment file thread about using environment files.

I’m going to close my PR and raise an issue for this pending further discussion.

As a quick fix you mighty find that deleting all the comments works as it seems to be that the actual key value pairs weren’t considered an issue by either end.

[edit] Issue raised