Ordered and received equipment, and I'm a bit disappointed regarding capability

I’d like to suggest modifying the labeling for the EmonPi and EmonTX, the ones on the cases are misleading. It ought to give a maximum current spec for the inputs rather than values that assume a certain CT size.

It’s hardly practical to put all that on the end plate of an emonPi and especially not on the front of an emonTx. So maybe the inputs should not be labelled at all, because after changing one resistor and one calibration constant per input, the measurement of a wide range of currents by a wide range of c.t’s is possible?

Well, if the 4th CT on the EmonTX has a different default range than the other CT inputs, it ought to be distinctly labeled differently IMO. Stupid question… If someone put 50 mA into that input as configured by default would it burn anything out?

Nobody has ever reported a problem such as that, to my knowledge. In theory it might damage the protection on the ADC input, so I cannot say with absolute certainty that it would not happen. The maximum input current for input 4 is approximately 9.2 mA. The absolute maximum voltage that should appear at any current input is ±1.65 V with respect to the mean. For the voltage input the equivalent value is 21.45 V.